Album Review: Not Inpublic | Not Inpublic

Artist: Not Inpublic

Album: Not Inpublic

Released: 2015

Hometown: Surrey, British Columbia

If you’re not listening to Not Inpublic’s album Not Inpublic IN public, you’re missing out. The Surrey-bred

band’s self titled album, released November 11, 2015, consists of 8 songs ranging from scorned lover to

rubbing lotion on the skin vibes. Giving reminiscent notes of early punk, Not Inpublic succeeds in

enacting the same feelings the genre instilled in any angsty teens; unexplained vexation and an

appreciation for the frantically working hands of musicians. The band is composed of three members,

Mike Inkster, Ryan Neys and Kyle Richardson.


“Dead to Me” delivers somewhat of a villainous-feeling performance. Not taking a break from the

melody, minus a small interception for Richardson to whisper just how dead this person really is to

him, it overlays repetitive screeching guitar action on top of a simple drumming sequence resulting in a

sound that you’d probably find an evil scientist jamming out to in his lair. It’s dark, it’s simple, and it’s

downright mean.


The record gives a sound of familiarity in a genre we’re not getting tired of anytime soon. It encompasses

feelings of anger and frustration while also giving you the sentiment that these really aren’t terrible

emotions to feel. “House on Fire,” a song that features a music video showing just how sorry

you’ll be if you cheat on your lover, has an animalistic vocal styling paired with a sing-song guitar solo in

the middle that will give you chills. While delivering your suggested serving of head banging (which is

something we should all get a healthy dose of) the album serves as a reminder that music doesn’t have to

always be groundbreaking. These men have hit a sweet spot of people that just want to have a good time

and not be by pummelled by a 10 minute guitar solo just because. The album is about the appreciation of

a classic sound by a new set of classic rockers.


#surrey #punk