Album Review: Into Eternity | The Sirens

Into Eternity utilize a vast of number of different genres to immerse the listener in a trance-like experience. There is a little bit of something for every metal fan in this album. Whether you’re a fan of classic, thrash, power, death, black, or melodic, Into Eternity manages to capture those distinctive qualities from each genre and compose something that no other band has done. With the departure of their previous singer, Stu Block, who went to join Iced Earth, Into Eternity hired Amanda Kieman as their full-time vocalist and this is their first attempt in the studio. Having big shoes to fill, Kieman has surpassed all expectations and has the vocal capabilities of no one I have ever heard. Showcasing power howls alongside the brutality of death growls in the latest album, The Sirens, Kieman has rightfully earned her place in the group.


Kicking off this off with their title track “The Sirens,” Into Eternity begins their slow dismal decay into diabolical chaos with an ominous interlude of piano that slowly builds up while adding in harmonious symphonic elements before unleashing a devastating melodic instrumental. Even before the vocals kick in, the instrumentals continuously descend into an abysmal death metal tone. Kieman compliments this transition with her calamitous growls that help tie the whole thing together. Upon reaching the chorus, there is a sudden shift which lets the band’s power metal flag fly high. There is a sudden transition between genres throughout the song, but the music flows so well with such smooth transitions that everything flows.

“The Fringes of Psychosis” is perhaps one of the most powerful tracks off this record. There’s just so much punch packed into these seven minutes. Everything in this song is so heavy, the howls, the riffs, and the solos just create this omnipotent force of destruction. Every member truly shows that they are a master of their craft in this song and to compliment it all, Glen Drover (Ex-Megadeth) and Chuck Labossier (Eyam) lend their talents to this monstrous track.

Diving straight into “This Frozen Hell,” no time is wasted and it is kicked off with a face-melting guitar solo. The production is amazing on this record and this song is one of the prime examples. Every note of any instrument can be heard and nothing gets buried under the complex instrumentals. This song is so jam-packed with different melodies that every time you listen to it, you will discover one more thing that you love about it. Aside from the virtuoso-like skill that is showcased through this song, the lyrical theme hits close to home and talks about a struggle any Canadian knows all too well - the harshness of the Great White North’s winters.


From power to death, this record samples from every subgenre, but to close out the album, The Scattering of Ashes Pt2 slows down a lot and provides a compelling and relaxing finisher. The first few notes bring out the folk side of things with a relaxing acoustic intro that lulls the listener into a sense of ease. Into Eternity showcase that they are still a force to be reckoned even with no distortion. Kieman’s vocals harmoniously complement the soothing instrumentation while showcasing the ferocity of her vocal range.


Into Eternity has always delivered an immersive experience and The Sirens is no exception. With the brutality of Arch Enemy and the vocal capabilities of Unleash the Archers, Kieman is a two in one combo that will push this band into the next chapter of their career. The ability to clash each of those genres together and get a smooth product is not an easy feat, but Into Eternity easily mark their spot in the metal community and continue building their success across the globe.

