Updated: May 17, 2020

Written by Jonathan Jung

Album Review | Bandcamp

Heron’s latest effort Time Immemorial creates an amazing orchestration of impossibly heavy songs. Born from elongated lulls, they transform into powerhouse tracks within seconds. Combined with the story that the grimly-written lyrics tell, this album is a masterpiece of doom and sludge pandemonium.

Only diving into the first track, ‘Long in the Tooth’, this song kicks it all off with deceptively slow riffs that eventually blindside the listener with dissonant guitars to create an atmosphere of dread. The slow riffs ferment into a blend of noise that fabricates apprehension with the rumbling of the scuzzy instrumentals.

Throughout the album, there are so many interesting and intense moments. Paired with perhaps some of the best lyrics that have come around, Time Immemorial takes the guides the user through so many raw emotions and existentialism.

Heron has done such a fantastic job with everything on this and without giving much more away, this LP is something to definitely check out.